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think we're the perfect match?

we know you must
have some questions.

Are you ready for get your dream skin? But wondering, "how does this all work?"
Those are probably the least of your questions. But don't worry - we've got you covered in our FAQ section.

What steps are you taking to keep me safe during my appointment?

We perform hand hygiene routinely & follow protocols. During pandemic times, we take additional precautions as recommended by the FDA.

How much tox do I need?

This varies depending on what areas you are concerned about and your muscle strength. Everyone is unique and everyone has facial asymmetries. Each "area" is approx 10-20 units. 

How should I prepare for my tox appointment and are there any restrictions?

Preparation for your tox appointment involves avoiding alcohol and NSAIDs (e.g., Motrin, aspirin) 24-48 hours prior to injection and scheduling a time when you can sit or stand for 4 hours afterward. If you've recently consumed alcohol, you can still proceed with your appointment, but anticipate increased oozing and potential bruising. However, individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a neurological disease are excluded from receiving tox injections.

I asked for light dosing or I didn't have enough money for full dosing and I have some areas that need more, what do I do?

At the 2 week mark we can certainly add more to get a full effect or address areas that need a bit more. The charge will be the same per unit pricing. This is referred to as a dose adjustment, touch up or refinement. Refinements are charged by the unit.  

What is a lip flip and can you do a lip flip?

If when you smile your lip curls down or in, absolutely. The top lip is 4-8 units as an add on procedure. If you want this procedure only, it is $125.  

What can I do to get ready for my filler appointment?

Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, or similar products (Advil, Motrin, Aleve) one week before filler, along with fish oil, Vitamin E, and gingko biloba. Refrain from dental procedures two weeks before and after filler injections. Expect bruising with filler injections; lack of bruising is fortunate. Schedule filler injections at least two weeks away from important events.

What should i know after getting a VIPeel?

It's crucial to avoid increasing body heat (aka working out) to prevent facial discomfort, blistering, or hyperpigmentation. Let the skin naturally shed to prevent scarring or hyperpigmentation. Trim unattached areas with scissors if needed, but avoid pulling any still-attached skin. Patience is key. Also, why am I so thirsty with this chemical peel? Your body is metabolizing the applied acids; drinking water aids this process. Add lemon or lime to water and sip throughout the day for hydration and support.