Wrinkle Relaxers (aka Tox)


Tox (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau) is used to soften fine lines and wrinkles. Results are visible within one week and full effect is achieved within 2 weeks. Results last 3-4 months, with an average of 3 months.

Botox injections are a medical procedure involving injections with a very small needle to deposit the tox in or near a targeted muscle. The active ingredient in tox, botulinum toxin type A, temporarily paralyzes the muscles that cause wrinkles by blocking the nerve signals to the targeted muscles. With routine injections, the targeted muscles will relax, preventing your skin from stretching and wrinkling.

Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA), is a favorite at The BeautiSpot, and is called the ‘naked’ neurotoxin which means it is made without the accessory proteins that other toxins have. There is a theory that the proteins in the other toxins are more likely to cause “tox resistance” which would mean your body doesn’t respond as well to the injections and the desired effect is not achieved.

Dysport is another favorite at our office. We have found this to be a highly effective tox, and regularly recommend Dysport.

Botox has been around the longest & we also use it routinely. If you are a die-hard "Botox" brand user, we are happy to help.

Each tox treatment targets the muscles that repeatedly contract every time you squint, smile or frown, by relaxing the muscle & allowing the wrinkles to soften. A client's medical history will be reviewed & approved by our Nurse Practitioner prior to your appointment and signing of consents will occur before or at your tox appointment.

botox at a glance

Sessions Needed: 3-4 Per Year
Results Duration: 3-4 Months
Downtime: Zero Downtime